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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Mortgage growth forecast to plunge

Kasikorn Research Center (K-Research) expects 1.2% growth in mortgages within the commercial banking sector this year, the lowest level of expansion in 23 years. The low rate is attributed to the diminished purchasing power of homebuyers. In the second quarter…

Meet the new MPs taking on Westminster

Parliament may still be on recess, but across the country hundreds of new MPs are getting ready to start back at work following Keir Starmer’s landslide election earlier this summer. Host Sascha O’Sullivan meets a few of the new parliamentarians…

US jobs data point to weaker than expected market

President Cyril Ramaphosa at a presidential Imbizo in Tsakane. Avbob Investment Plan WASHINGTON – The US jobs market was probably cooler than expected in the year through March, Labor Department data showed, signalling weaker but still-positive growth. US employers were…
